Monday 9 January 2017

2017 PLANS

The long drive to Cornwall over the Christmas break really gave me and the boy the chance to talk about the future. Recently my feet have been incredibly itchy so a good chat was in order. We’ve always talked about going ‘travelling’, but it’s never materialised. Both of us are quite sensible, we are avid savers and always think about the long term. The aspect of travelling long term we find most frightening is; what will we do when we are old, what about our pensions? I also have a horse which would be a huge sacrifice for me to give up, she is my absolute pride and joy. However, all that is not enough for me to want to stay anymore. 

After a five hour drive there, four days in Cornwall and a five hour drive back, we’d made some decisions. The most important decision being, let's be brave and live our dreams. We don't where or for how long for, just that we'll leave around Christmas this year. It’s going to be a hard few months in the run up but I have no doubt in my mind that it won’t be worth it. 

In the meantime, we are off to Les Arcs, France on the 4th February skiing. This will probably be my only holiday abroad this year and probably also the last time I'll ski for a while.

I’d love to hear if anyone else is planning a trip – short or long term?

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